Mass Adoption Alliance

Tap into the Millions of Real-World Users Entering Web3

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Web3 Mass adoption is accelerated through traditional, real world distribution channels. Join our alliance program to explore opportunities to tap into and add value to the Metadomo distribution network.

Metadomo Mainstream Integrations

Metadomo Alliance
  • 100M+ User Pipeline

    Our integrations with large enterprises such as national telcos enable access to over 100 million mainstream users.
  • Gaming Powerhouse

    Our integration with Moxy eSports connects us to millions of gamers across popular titles like League of Legends, DOTA 2 and more.
  • 150,000+ Merchant Locations

    Our global network spans across 5 countries and growing, offering cross-border, real-world redemption capability for point programs.
  • Seamless Web3 Onboarding

    Our mainstream users become Web3-enabled passively on Soneium, and are ready to explore the Web3 world.

Interested? Explore our three main tracks:

For Point Issuers (traditional or token)

Take your point program to the next level

Expand point utility and performance through the Metadomo global redemption network.

  • Integrations with large enterprises enable access to 100M+ mainstream users
  • Moxy eSports connection reaches millions of gamers (LoL, DOTA 2, etc.)
  • Global network across 5+ countries for cross-border, real-world redemption
  • Passive Web3 enablement for mainstream users via Soneium

For Web3 Projects

Access a new inflow of Web3-enabled users

Metadomo onboards mainstream users to Web3 on Soneium and guides them into the world of Web3. If you want to tap into a firehose of new Web3-enabled users, this track is for you.

For Merchants

Enable game-changing new customer acquisition capabilities

Metadomo provides an innovative and effective channel for new customer acquisition.

  • Directly reach desired customer segment
  • Accurately quantify market ROI through advanced attribution tracking
  • Access direct-to-consumer advertising, branding and sponsorship capability
  • Simple onboarding with POS-level integration

Join the Alliance

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